Who is Mane Temptation?
I realize that I've never told you how Mane Temptation began. How rude of me! But I hope you will afford me the opportunity to share with you, now.
I was in college and noticed how inaccessible hair extensions were to students, like myself, because of the price... so I sought out to find a supplier with quality hair that was affordable. My goal was to HELP female students, like myself, be able to obtain access to high quality hair extensions and look beautiful without having to decide between a meal and looking nice. I even began to create wig units, do custom color, and even clip-ins, so that my customers had options that served them and could help them protect their hair and look nice in the process!
I bet you didn't know that I still have a few faithful clients that still message me for hair, even today! (why I added the option to the site).
While I've moved away from hair extensions as my mane offering, the goal of Mane Temptation is still the same: to HELP others, to HELP YOU!
My experience with Grave's Disease opened my eyes to a problem that I'd never noticed before. A problem that, at that time, affected me but has affected many before me, and would affect many after me, if I stood by complacent.
So... I chose to dive further into doing the research, praying, and seeking out a solution, an answer to not only my experience, but this problem that my experience exposed to me. A doctor's visit made clear the answer, and I began to get serious about formulating my own hair care products, according to the research that I'd done.
Mane Temptation products were not created just for me, but because I wanted to HELP others not have to go through the experience of unnecessary health issues. I want children to grow up without having to experience sickness due to ingredients, in products, that are KNOWN to disrupt the body's function over time. To grow up without having to experience sickness because of harmful ingredients in the products their mother, grandmothers, father, grandfathers, and so on have used in the past.
I hope you see now that the goal of Mane Temptation has not changed, although our product offering has evolved, the mission is still the same: to HELP another!